Week 2 Extra CreditEvery week, I ask that you provide a summary post in this area about specific items that you have learned in the past week. For the Week 2 Extra Credit, topics will be from information learned from Week 2 (Chapters 18-21). I will list some items, and you can pick one and comment on it. The post will count as extra credit. The Extra Credit is not mandatory to complete and will not impact your course final grade if not completed. This is the only Extra Credit offered in Advanced Biology; and all students are highly encouraged to complete it every other week.

You may not complete the Week 2 Extra Credit after Week 2 has closed. The Extra Credit is due by 11:59 p.m. ET Sunday of Week 2.

Note: Per Keiser University Policy, Extra Credit cannot be more than 2% of the course total; therefore the maximum that can be earned for each Extra Credit is 0.5 points (for a maximum of 2 points for completion of all 4 Extra Credits).

The Extra Credit can be completed in one of two ways [Writing a Summary OR Code Words from Keiser Live], but not both.  The Extra Credit is to be directly typed into the Week 1 Extra Credit Submission Area.

Option 1: Writing a Summary: In order, to be eligible for the full amount of extra credit points, it should be a well thought out full paragraph in your own words, at least 150 words. If any information is used from an outside resource itis required to be properly cited per APA requirements, with both in-text citations and a full reference citation. [Note: Directly quoted materials or the references are not included in the word count.]

Pick one of the following topics (or choose one of your own) and tell us what you learned about it this week. This should be in your own words. Please be very specific and see the directions above as well to ensure your Extra Credit submission meets all requirements.

  1. The structures and functions of roots, stems, and leaves 
  2. How plants acquire and distribute sugars, water, and minerals
  3. The plant life cycle, including structures and functions of flowers, seeds, and fruits
  4. Characteristics of Animals

The scoring of the written summary for the Extra Credit Extra Credit is as follows: 20% grammar/spelling and meeting the minimum word count, 20% posting Code Words from Keiser Live Class and 60% points content for a maximum total Extra Credit, 100% = 0.5 points.