biology paper

Project title: Evolution of Infectious Diseases

Aspect  Description

Font for headings  Boldface serif or sans serif: size in accordance with hierarchy Font for Textsize  11-point 

Text font  Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri or Book Antiqua 

Line Spacing  1.5

Margins  Standard, at least 1 inch

Layout  One column, single-sided

Paragraphing  Indented paragraphs, no line skip between paragraphs in a section

Page number  Bottom centered

Total pages  Minimum 10 text pages, maximum 15 text pages, plus References

Figure names  Numbered: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and so forth

Figure captions  Below figure in 10 point type

Table names  Numbered: Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and so forth

Table headings  Above table in 12 point type