Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

 3 DQ 2

In creation, God made humans to be in his image. We fall short of the glory of God, therefore our own choices in life affect what kind of sickness and disease that occur to us. In the fall, Adam and Eve did not listen to God and now all of mankind suffer from this disobedience. This disobedience leaves us vulnerable to sin and with that sin comes illness and disease. In redemption, God sent Jesus to die for our sins. This act gives us hope when we are most vulnerable from illness and disease. In restoration, one day God will come back to judge every human and wipe away all sin from earth. This allows us to look forward to healing from our illness and diseases. According to Tesu, it teaches us how to transform painful and sad trials into ways and means of spiritual growth by adding them to the happy circumstances of our existence and by giving life itself a profound meaning and a high moral sense.

One would find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative by understanding that not one human can be perfect and be just like God. It allows us to know that everyone sins and makes mistakes in life. These sins have consequences and that is where illness/disease comes into play in our lives. When we are at our lowest points in life because of this illness/disease, that is when we are closest to God. These illnesses and diseases humble us and bring us closer to God. This allows us to open our eyes to how much he loves us and how he gave his only son for our sins. We turn to faith and put all of our trust in God to help us through the illness/disease. It shows us that we are human and that God is still in control of what happens to us.

Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years.

 What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative? Explain in detail each part of the narrative above and analyze the implications.