Birth Regulation: Organic vs. Chemical

Summary  Observation 1 above was made due to ethical questions surrounding contraception in medical practice which arise.  E.g., hormonal contraceptives and contraceptive devices are offered in many hospitals in the U.S..

Yet, per explicit hospital policy, neither can be offered in many others. 

Observation 3 above has been made to explain the frequent “silence,” or “taboo,” surrounding discussion of possible downsides to contraception. (Though these appear in the U.S. press much more frequently than occurred in the 60 years prior.).

Finally, there are those ethical questions surrounding self-care for the healthcare practitioner,  e.g., per the ANA Code of Ethics.

Analyze the issues discussed in the readings below in light of the following (sometimes conflicting) ethical visions.

– Emotivism

– Utilitarianism

– Kantianism

  – Lockeanism

– Natural Law Personalism