black castor oil

Each student will be responsible to pick a dietary supplement of interest, to write a report, and to do a Power Point presentation on his or her information to the class. A sign up list will be posted on Blackboard of topics chosen. Due to the fact that there are so many supplements available on the market, there will be no repeats in topics. You must email me and be approved for your topic in order for it to be assigned for you.  Assigned topics will be posted on Blackboard on a “Presentation Topic List”. Please reference this list before you email me your chosen topic to ensure that it has not been chosen already.  


Reports will be due on the day of your presentation.  Papers should be a minimum of two pages, however no more than three pages typed (12 font, Times Roman, double spaced). Content of reports should include but are not limited to:

–    Supplements use or uses

  • How Supplement works
  • Side Effects
  • Comparison of brands and why one brand of the same supplement claims to be better than another (optional)
  • Interesting facts or history of the supplement


Presentations will consist of information gathered for the report and should be a minimum of 15-20 slides. Any visual effects will be greatly appreciated. An actual sample of the product is not necessary. All presentations should be in power point format.


The purpose of this assignment is to give you an idea of how many dietary supplements are available on the market today. Natural medicine and supplementation is a multi-billion-dollar industry and should not be overlooked in a nutrition class. Papers will not be penalized for grammatical error. As long as reports fall within the given guidelines of content, as well as length, and presentations are around 15-20 slides, then the full 50 points will be awarded.