Bonnie and Clyde movie review

WATCH MOVIE Bonnie and Clyde (1967) can be found on netflix or youtube etc.
This essay assignment is a formal analysis. Its goal is to demonstrate your knowledge and application of one aspect of film form. Choose a significant and memorable piece of footage (up to one minute) or short series of film frames (maximum 3) from your assigned film.


Read about Formal Analysis in PDF “Formal Analysis.” Be specific about film content (names of characters, objects, known places) and film terminology.
Make sure you time-stamp ( for example: 01:30:29)the film frame footage or screen-captured frames
Make sure it’s centered on a clear, specific, and substantive thesis. The discussion must have a thesis sentence at/near beginning of assignment. A thesis contends or argues something. The thesis is be in bold print.
Demonstrate your command of film terminology by applying at least three (3) terms from one or more of the following sources: HNF, LAM (Looking at Movies PDFs), Columbia Film Glossary. The film terms are to be in bold print.
Follow either MLA or AP for formatting and documentation.
Any cited film frame or frames should be attach/embedded.