Book Analysis

Write a book analysis on Navajos Wear Nikes: A Reservation Life Jim Kristofic 

 be 3-5 pages in length (title page & references not included in count), use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins 

 use APA formatting and include the following: title page, running head, page numbers, headings, and a reference page). 

 include 3 or more in-text citations to concepts from the textbook. In-text citations to the textbook must include page numbers. Be sure to define course concepts. Simply dropping in a term from the textbook will not count as a reference to a course concept.

 include the following headings (in bold) and information:

Summary of the Book: What happened? Who was involved? Where and when did the events depicted take place? Identify the group memberships of the primary characters and social institutions that were involved in the story.

Presented Social Issues: What are the individual, family, and larger social issues/problems being faced by the primary characters and social institutions depicted in the book? What put the primary characters at risk for experiencing this social issue/problem? What historical, environmental, social, economic, and cultural contexts are influencing the primary characters and their experiences?

Analysis of Decision-Making Process and Resolution Planning: Analyze a decision that a primary character made by applying the 5-step decision making process. Also, how did the characters engage with each other and with other social institutions throughout the decision making process? Critique the need, access, availability, and use of resources by the primary characters.  What individual, family, and community barriers and supports to resolution of the social problems were depicted? Were the issues resolved? If so, how?

Critical Reflection: Select one of the primary characters depicted in this book; if given the opportunity, what could he or she have done differently?