Book Club Review

For this assignment, you are a book critic. The book to critique is “How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk” by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish. You will offer a review of one of the books that you read with your Book Club Group during the semester. To do this, you need to do these things:

  1. Briefly describe the book. Be sure to include the full title and the author(s). (1 full paragraph)
  2. Tell what is good about the book. Explain your opinion. (1 full paragraph)
  3. Tell what is not as good about the book. Explain your opinion. (1 full paragraph)
  4. In telling what is good or not good, refer to at least one concept from the textbook that you have learned this semester.

Do all of this in a minimum of 300 words. Remember that a full paragraph is composed of a minimum of 4-5 complete sentences that stay on one topic.