Book Reflection on Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions(due on 5 days)

1. Pick two of the dysfunctions that are described in the book and reflect on the importance of a leader addressing these specific dysfunctions. You must clearly state and identify which dysfunctions you will write about, and what you would do about them. 

 According to the book, the five dysfunctions are:

  • Absence of trustunwilling to be vulnerable within the group
  • Fear of conflictseeking artificial harmony over the constructive passionate debate
  • Lack of commitmentfeigning buy-in for group decisions creates ambiguity throughout the organization
  • Avoidance of accountabilityducking the responsibility to call peers, superiors on counterproductive behavior which sets low standards
  • Inattention to resultsfocusing on personal success, status, and ego before team success

2. Write about how you as a leader would address this dysfunction (using course material, and material in the textbook).  What can leaders do to ensure this dysfunction is regularly avoided and what can leaders do if they encounter this within the team? Also, what other creative solutions, and possibly leadership traits can you suggest addressing the specific dysfunctions. You are welcome to ask me (the professor} for some suggestions as to materials you might consider involving in this assignment).  YOU MUST both think critically as to what you, the leader, would do, and what you suggest are some leadership behaviors that can address these problems. Make sure you cite the sources you use.