Book Review

Midnight in Broad Daylight: A Japanese American Family Caught Between Two Worlds
By: Pamela Rotner Sakamoto
Write a minimum of a two-page essay (book review) on the given book. You must cite your sources using
Chicago/Turabian style ( (Links to an external site.) and you will
need to provide a bibliography or works cited page with at least 4 citations. Make sure you format your
document with 12pt Times New Roman, double-space your essay, and use parenthetical citations where
needed. It will go through a plagiarism checker when you submit your work.
(No plagiarism, citations within the essay as well, and 2 FULL pages)
Midnight in Broad Daylight. You are to read your book and then write a book review. Format Instructions:
1. Start your essay with an introduction. Your introduction should be no longer than half of a page and must
have a thesis statement or you will lose 10 points
2. Paper must be typed and double-spaced. You are to use Times New Roman 12 pt font.
3. Paper must be at least two-full pages long – it can be longer. Shorter papers will lose up to 10 points.
4. One-inch margins around the entire paper (this is the default setting, don’t change it to make your margins bigger)
5. Do not quote the book more than two times or you will lose 10 points.
6. Direct quotes must cite the page number in the book “…” (pg. 10)
7. Grammar and spelling must be correct, have your paper edited by someone and corrected.
8. The following information should be on the cover page (this should not be the same page you begin your essay
on, you will lose points if you do not have one):
a. Title of the Monograph (either in italics or underlined)
b. Author’s name
c. Your name
d. Class Period
Book Review
Criteria Ratings Pts
Introduction and Thesis
Student has a clear intro paragraph that includes a clear thesis.
10 pts
0 pts
10 pts
Quality of Writing
Thesis statement lines up with the remainder of the paper and provides a road
map through the review. Additionally, the paper is written using proper grammar
and spelling.
30 pts
0 pts
30 pts
Analysis of Content
Student has provided an appropriate analysis using the assignment questions as a
guideline. Meaning the student has properly read and understood what the author
is saying and is able to share that in their review.
25 pts
0 pts
25 pts
Evaluation of Content
Student has provided an appropriate evaluation using the assignment questions as
a guideline. Meaning the student has shared their thoughts and opinions on what
the author has written about.
20 pts
0 pts
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
A cover sheet is included, everything is properly cited and there are not more
than 2 quotes included, the paper is at least 2 pages long with proper margins and
12 pt font. The paper is formatted as a book review, utilizing the correct
15 pts
0 pts
15 pts
Total Points: 100