Borderline Disorder after Military sexual Trauma

Below is an email from my professor. He wants my sentence outline changed. Please see your completed paper attached as well.

Hi All,

Friendly Reminders for student who might have forgotten the difference between quantitative/evidence-based and qualitative Article!

After reading everyone’s course selections and some interest this week in the Initial post, it motivated me to go ahead and send these tips to all in advance; it will prevent you from having to go back and look for new Articles after selection, because they are not evidence quantitative, instead qualitative in nature (i.e., student need 24 quantitative evidence-based Articles for Capstone/Integrative Project). Some students post/interest may beg the question, is he or she looking at qualitative or quantitative research? If you are looking at part qualitative research for your Integrative paper, make the correction to quantitative research (i.e., evidence-based). Whereas qualitative research can be a great approach for collecting details pertaining to a question in research, it is not experimental and the author cannot infer causation from such data collected (i.e., no evidence); therefore. one should look at quantitative evidence-based and breadth research to support your Thesis/claim/hypotheses. In research, qualitative datum is driven by a question, and the datum collected is used to develop hypotheses leading to more research (i.e., mixed method -qualitative, then quantitative; or later testing the hypotheses – quantitative research). Quantitative research is driven by hypotheses to test (i.e., cause and effect) using quantitative research methodology. Correlational research is also quantitative, but only looks at relationships between variables, not cause and effect. Having this understanding is important for your research and Capstone/Integrative project. Why is this important?

In one of my classes many years ago, a student had 15 Articles based on qualitative research, and had to go back and change them to quantitative research (i.e., evidence-based), and not the opinions and perceptions of other authors about someone else’s experimental research. I am committed to “All” success by the end of Capstone/Integrative project!