Brand Idenity Foundation

Use the Brand Identity Prism to understand your brand’s foundations as you begin to create your unique brand identity.
In this week’s discussion board, you will learn about Brand Identity Prisms and this exercise will guide you in the development of your brand identity and the creative brief leading to an effective brand identity for the company you are developing.

Instructions: Post 1
Initial Post (80%) – DUE WEDNESDAY

1. Read the article, Brand Identity Defined by Derrick Daye and then review the presentation, Defining Brand Identity on Slideshare by Carol Phillips

2.  For the company you are developing, select and describe one section of the Brand Identity Prisms (Capabilities, Personality, Shared Values & Community, Aspirational Self-Image, Noble Purpose, Internal Culture & Values, Rally Cry). Refer to page 25 and page 12 of the presentation. Review the examples on pages 21-25.