

Here is what you should read for this unit : Chapter 5, Buddhism

Please answer all questions thoroughly using complete sentences.  Proofread your writing.

Once you have read that, please answer the following questions:

1) Who was the historical Buddha? Give a brief (one to two paragraph) description of his life and career.

2) List and describe the Four Noble Truths.

3) List and describe the Three Marks of Existence.

4) What is the teaching of Interdependent Origination?

5) What are the three major branches of Buddhism?  Describe the major characteristics of each.

6) Describe Pure Land Buddhism.

7) Describe Zen Buddhism.

8) Name and describe at least two major Buddhist ritual celebrations/holidays.

9) What is the principle of the Middle Way?  Why is it central to Buddhism?

10) Describe the typical range of roles for women in Buddhism.