Build the Tic Tac Toe app – For this project, you will build a single-page app that uses model binding to pass data between controllers and views.


When the app starts, it should display nine  elements, styled as above to appear as a 3-x-3 grid. Above the grid, an 

element should say that its Xs turn. When the user clicks a button, the page should post to the server, where the X or O for that button is saved. When the page re-loads, the clicked element should be marked X or O and should be disabled. In addition, clicking the browsers Refresh button should redisplay the page, not post the previous click again. After each turn, the element above the grid should say whose turn it is. When there are three Xs or three Os in a line (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally), the game is over and the player with the three marks in a line wins. When this happens, the app should say who won and replace the 

element with a New Game link. When there are no more blank cells but theres no winner, then the game ends in a tie. When this happens, the app should notify the user and replace the 

element with a New Game link. When the user clicks the New Game link, a new grid of 

elements should display. Above the grid, an 

element should say that its Xs turn.