Our faith is not an add on faith, where we live our lives and then add on some Christian-y things, like church or mealtime prayers. Our faith is foundational to everything we areit is the true basis for our thinking and, therefore, our actions. Thus, our actions as leaders in business are rooted in our faith, in the Scripture that informs our Christian development. What does this look like in your life? How is your leadership, as a follower of The Way, different from those who do not know the eternal God? This paper will address your personal leadership style, as a created being of God learning His ways.

To complete this paper, it will be important to understand your own leadership style, tendencies, and approaches, so that you may best know how to improve your leadership and build a complementary team around areas that do not reflect your strengths. The course textbook by Daft not only explores theories and practices of leadership, it also includes a series of self-assessments to help one understand his or her personal leadership tendencies and styles. For this assignment, you will complete at least 5 of the textbooks self-assessments of your choice to provide a better understanding of your leadership. Since we are influenced by many in our leadership understandings and beliefs, you will also conduct research to support your beliefs about leadership. With this material in hand, you have the information you need to develop the paper. The paper must include the updated bibliography page with at least 8 scholarly references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible.

The Personal Philosophy of Leadership Paper will follow this format:

  1. Title Page
  2. Abstract
  3. Body of the Paper (1,5002,000 thorough and convincing words)
    1. Introduction
    2. Part 1: The Christian Leader: What does       it mean to be an effective Christian leader? Use Scripture and your       research to lay the foundation for effective service as a leader.
    3. Part 2: My Leadership Style: Describe       your personal leadership style and tendencies, citing at least 5 assessments       from the course textbook as part of your explanation. What are the       strengths and weaknesses this style presents? Any examples for your       style? Can you connect the research from Part 1 to your styles and       tendencies in Part 2?
    4. Conclusion
  4. Reference page