BUS 638 W3 D2


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the Closing Case in Chapter 9 titled Emerging Markets: The Rise of Alibaba and review the article .

Answer all of the case questions below and bring the case into the present day with the incorporation of additional research.

Your initial post should be 200 to 300 words. You should use at least two credible and recent sources in addition to the course textbook. Address the following:

  • What are the characteristics of Alibabas growth, innovation, and financing strategies typical of successful entrepreneurial firms? What is unusual about Alibaba?
  • Why has Alibaba become globally famous by focusing on its domestic market?
  • Sometimes the initial public offering (IPO) of widely successful firms flops (Facebooks disappointing IPO comes to mind). Does Alibaba deserve to be one of the worlds most valuable companies?

Lastly, share your thoughts and research on how Alibaba is doing today. Your post must be organized using APA Style headings as outlined in the .