Busi614 Quantitative Assignment 6 and 7

SPSS Quantitative Assignment 7 InstructionsThere are two SPSS data sets for this module/week’s SPSS assignment; AT&T and IBM. Don’t forget to review the synopsis of each data set. You will need to upload each SPPS output separately.Module/Week 8 AT&T Deliverables (Quantitative 7)1. Regress (Q7) on these variables: (Q7A through Q7E and Q7G through Q7K). Interpret these results.2. Do those who currently have or do not have a wireless service from a carrier other that AT&T Wireless (Q3) differ in terms on the evaluations of AT&T on all of the attributes (A7A through Q7K) when these variables are considered simultaneously? To accomplish this task run a two group discriminant analysis.3. Can the evaluations of AT&T on all of the attributes (Q7A through Q7K) be represented by a reduced set of factors? Conduct a principal components analysis using varimax rotation and save and upload the factor scores and plots.Module/Week 8 IBM Deliverables (Quantitative 7)1. Do survey participants who have different IT roles (Q1) differ in terms of dimensions of overall measures (Q4 Q5 Q6 and Q7) when these variables are considered simultaneously?2. Do survey participants who have different IT roles (Q1) differ in terms of dimensions of image (variables Q8 through Q17) when these variables are considered simultaneously?3. Do survey participants who have different IT roles (Q1) differ in terms of dimensions of purchase (variables Q18 through Q21) when these variables are considered simultaneously?4. Do survey participants who have different IT roles (Q1) differ in terms of sales and service support (variables Q22 through Q26) when these variables are considered simultaneously?5. Do survey participants who have different IT roles (Q1) differ in terms of future trends variables (Q27A Q27B Q27C Q27D Q27E Q27F and Q27G) when these variables are considered simultaneously?6. Can the image variables (Q8 through Q17) be represented by a reduced set of variables?7. Can the likelihood of purchase variables (Q18 Q19 Q20 and Q21) be represented by a reduced set of variables?8. Can the sales and service support variables (Q22 through Q26) of the questionnaire be represented by a reduced set of variables?9. Can the future trends variables (Q27A Q27B Q27C Q27D Q27E Q27F and Q27G) of the questionnaire be represented by a reduced set of variables?