Business Database Management


Business Question


  1. Create a pivot table shows Items, Unit sold, unit cost, unit price
  2. Shows on dollar currency and a line chart.


  1. Create a pivot table shows the top 10 countries on the total cost
  2. Column/Bar chart for the table
  3. Create a pivot table shows the top 10 cities of USA on the total cost
  4. Column/Bar chart for the table
  5. Create two slicers of year for two table or a single slicer for both


  1. Find the value of Total Profit and create a table that shows all products total revenue, total cost and total profit.
  2. Create a pivot table shows the percentage of profit each year.
  3. Pie chart for the table with labeled data.
  4. Show correlation between total revenue and total profit of items.
  5. Create Dashboard for all pivot charts.

(For question 3c referring to 3b. 3a is only a pivot table, in 3d you create a pivot chart based on 3a table.only charts and slicers of all pivot tables will contain the dashboard.)

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