Business Development Consultant

Debrief at conclusion of 45-hour seminar: Imagine that this course was an intense 1-Week Seminar held at a 5-Star Hotel, for which your firm spent $30,000 to send you. Share below your thoughts on how to implement the ideas presented; both corporately and personally.

1. Inflection Point: Challenges, opportunities of recognition and response, perils of denial
      a. Professional Discipline
      b. Industry
      c. Technology, Off-shoring, Internet
      d. Society at-large
2. Professional Service Firm KFS
      a. Visionary Leadership
      b. Mission Focus
      c. Corporate Culture
      d. Talent Acquisition, Development, Retention
3. The Cobb Curve & Client Value
    A. Wealth Creation
          1. How does what we do for our clients make what they do for their customers more valuable?
          2. How does that change across the value-added spectrum
    B. Distinctive Competencies

4. Client Relationship: Fundamental Change
        a. Score-keeper vs. Coach
        b. Client selection criteria
5. Developing Trusted Advisors
        a. Breadth of skills
        b. Depth of relationship
6. Developing Next-Generation Leadership
        a. Identification of promising talent early-stage
        b. Mentoring
        c. Timely promotion
7. Awakening Potential
        a. Pathway exploration
        b. Link to great cause
        c. Understanding the times
8. Assemble Team
        a. How to select?
        b. What skills sought?
9. Personal application
        a. What has impacted you most?
        b. What will you do with it?