Business Leadership Paper – Pt1: Outline

This will be a 2 part assignment. The First part is an out line that is due tomorrow by midnight. The second part is an 8 page research paper that is due in two weeks. This first posting will be strictly for the outline part. I will then post again for the actual paper part. The outline will be 10 dollars and then the paper part will be 40, so 50 dollars in total. I will also post the rubric for both posting so you know what the teacher will be grading on.  


Leadership in

Applying Leadership Practice

The final Summative Assignment will be an opportunity to apply the leadership practice concepts learned throughout your degree program to a real-world situation.

In an eight- to ten-page paper (M8.2 Leadership in Practice), you will discuss one significant challenge facing an organization which operates internationally (ie: ethical, financial, diversity, corporate culture, economical, globalization, etc.).  This challenge should be one that the organization is currently facing or one that was faced within the last three-years.

For complete assignment instructions click .

For this assignment, you will complete the preliminary outline.


 The outline for your paper will include:

1. Identify the organization

  • State the Vision and mission statement. 

2. Identify one challenge facing the leadership of the organization.

  • List 2 reasons why it is an issue.

3. Identify three leadership strategies for overcoming the challenge based on contemporary leadership thought.

4. Identify which leadership strategy you believe will be the most successful. 

  • List 2 reasons for the choice.

5. Identify the tools needed for success.

6. Identify at least 3 references you will use in the paper