Business Letter Scenario

Learning Objective: Demonstrate the use of memorandums, notes, email messages, and letters in businesses & Apply skills in solving business problems through planning and writing techniques.

Directions: Select one of the following business scenarios and use the information to create a positive/routine message in response to the situation. You will have to use your imagination (role-play) to create the missing details (such as missing names, mailing addresses, dates, and times) that address the issues in the scenario and help make your message complete and professional. However, use the details you are given and only make up the missing information. For example, the organizations in scenario #1 are located in Dallas, TX. Your details should include Dallas, TX. You also need to create a letterhead design since the message should be sent out on company or organization letterhead. Remember to format your letter in the standard block-style. DO NOT use a Microsoft WORD letter template to create the letter. You must format the document from scratch. View the assignment grading checklist and example letter at the bottom of this screen. Do not copy wording from the example letter. Your wording needs to be your own original work.

Scenario #1

Pretend you are an accounting student at The University of Texas at Dallas. You are the vice president of the Future CPA’s of Texas organization at the university. Your job is to find a guest speaker to come to one of your upcoming meetings on March 29, 2021 at the Petroleum Club of Dallas. The meeting will include a dinner from 5:00-6:00 p.m. and the speaker will begin at 6:30. Your organization’s faculty advisor has recommended that you contact one of her former students, Lacey Brown, CPA who works at Brown, Brown, and Jones Accounting Firm in Dallas. Send Ms. Brown a business letter asking if she will speak at your meeting. The topic you think will be helpful to your club and that you are asking her to speak about is the occupational outlook for private accountants. You may want to tell her a little about your organization and the students in it. Provide details about  where the meeting room is located and recommend the time she should arrive. Tell her where she can park and enter the building and where/how to meet you, and address any other questions shes likely to have. You are asking her to be your GUEST, so use the most courteous tone possible.