Business Manners and Ethics

 Requesting 200 words response to the following post using at least three substantive peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles to provide those a SUBSTANTIVE reply. 


1.  Key Term and Why You Are Interested in It

I am interested in conducting further research on this key term because it is partially required to understand other cultures’ manners and customs in my profession. When scheduling travel for employees, I can ensure they understand the cultural requirements before arriving in other countries. We can prepare ahead of time to be respectful and knowledgeable of how and when to wear their attire. It is essential to know how to greet persons of other cultures and present yourself during meals instead of being offensive.

 As someone who enjoys traveling and a military family, we must also become familiar with a diverse group of cultures.

2.  Explanation of the Key Term

Etiquette, manners, and cross-cultural or intercultural communication have become critical elements required for global business professionals (Satterlee, 2018, p.48). Understanding business manners and customs can assist with effective communication between countries. Once you are aware of their relevance, you will understand the appropriate way to behave. As international, multinational, transnational, multi-domestic, and global business continues to expand and bring people closer, the most critical element of successful business outcomes may be the appreciation and respect for regional, country, and cultural differences (Satterlee, 2018, p. 48). You must know the difference in the diversity of different cultures. It would be best if you did not assume Korea’s customs are acceptable in Japan.

3.  Major Article Summary

The article I selected to research the key term; business customs and manners, Understanding Cultural Singulartaries of ‘Indianness’ in Intercultural Business Setting discusses outsourcing information technology (IT) in India. It addresses personal conduct, pre-colonial disclosures, recent disclosures, methodology, intercultural incompetence, ignorance and stereotypes, and cultural narcissism (Laleman & Malik, 2015).

Combining culture and business can reach a broader range of our countries willing to outsource or join forces. The “Indiannes” are using different country dialects to address the specific culture in their native language. They will use American English on Americans and British English on the British. Using the specified language is how they feel they represent that country when speaking with someone of the culture. Indians receive a foreign exchange that benefits the outsourcers and putting India as a crucial player in the global business market (Laleman & Malik, 2015). The outsourcer and the outsourced need to understand the other cultures, allowing managers to know how to handle diversity in the workplace.

The article addresses the language barriers when creating outsourcing contracts and training programs. They use variations of word association games to help break the cultural barrier to develop effective communication between all businesses involved. They are creating a training program for each side of the contractual agreement.

The article discusses how five cultural values can determine the ‘Indianness’ workplace behaviors; 1) The jan-gan-man bhava: emotions towards the national anthem or political views. 2)  Rishta: focus on family values and relationships. 3) Bhojan (food): creating a social bond or discourse. 4) Jati-Gotra-Varna: a sense of community and social peerness. 5) Dharma: day-to-day behaviors, choices, and decisions (Laleman & Malik, 2015). Their cultural mannerisms and customs are incorporated into the business beliefs, not always by choice, understood to help cope with the job requirements (Laleman & Malik, 2015).

4.  Discussion

  1. Business manners and customs connect into every aspect of international business agreements. It is imperative to understand multicultural differences to maintain cordial relationships with other countries. There is an acceptance that each culture may incorporate traditions, religion, and politics into its work environment without prejudice or reprimand. The inclusion of politics could create confusion when not understood by another culture (Reznick, 2019). There was also a correlation that allowing cultural customs in job settings is a matter of human rights and sometimes used to control employees (Staeger, 2016). The rules could differ between local and foreign nationals. Businesses have found ways to persuade subordinates to become members of groups to benefit the organization by allowing the employee freedom and allowing the company to pay the employee less (Corneo, 1993). Diverse groups receive and interpret information differently, recognizing cultural and behavioral associations (Fitzsimmons & Thomas, 2017). Everyone adapts to their environment by attempting to comprehend their surroundings and respecting cultural differences.
  2. As a military spouse, I am expected to be resilient and adapt quickly to any new residential or workplace environment. This research revealed many unknowns because of protected information, which is comforting to now understand the why. There is a discussion of what do’s and don’ts are acceptable (Satterlee, 2018). The research of all cited sources shares the same goal of allowing persons of multicultural backgrounds to combine their values, morals, traditions, and beliefs in the workplace.  The intent was to find the connection between global interpersonal relationships and what they have in common. Then delineate the use of manners and customs. They explain how outsourcing countries misrepresented their purpose of agreeing to do business with other countries (Laleman & Malik, 2015). The articles discuss developing international training programs; you must understand different dialects within cultures to implement regulations to protect the agency and the employee (Staeger, 2016). You cannot discuss business manners and customs without divulging the workplace requirements and how cultural differences and political views play a role (Laleman & Malik, 2015). Each article is referencing specific elements of the key term.