

Requirements For Starting a New Business
Background Work
Legal Requirements

Do we need a business name (DBA) and a company name? Explain.
A fictitious name (also known as a “doing business as” or “dba”) is:
Different from your personal name, if doing business as a sole proprietor.
Different from your entity’s legal name, if you have incorporated or otherwise formed a separate legal business entity.
Do we need to researched Federal, State, and Local business naming laws and requirements?
Do we need to researched Federal, State, and Local Labor Laws?
Do we need to research our need for and how to obtain an EIN?
Do we need to research Federal, State, and Local tax requirements?
Do we need to determine Income tax Estimated tax Self-employment tax Employment tax Excise tax Sales tax?
Do we need to research zoning ordinances?
Do we need to research securities registrations requirements?
Do we need to research Permits & Occupational/Professional licenses?
Do we need to research necessary OSHA requirements?
Do we need to research Federal, State, and Local environmental regulations?
Do we need to research the necessary components to conduct risk management for Restaurants services/products? Explain.