250 words agree or disagree to each questions


ccording to Western Governors University, ethical leadership is exemplified when a corporate leader places people into management and leadership positions who will promote and be an example of appropriate, ethical conduct in their actions and relationships in the workplace (2020). In short it can be thought of doing what is right when no one is watching. This begs the question of how a corporate leader can exemplify ethics in leadership. This can be accomplished through leadership by example, communicate openly, respect everyone equally, be adaptable, having healthy solutions to stress, and is fair and impartial with decisions.

The Bill Gates of the 1990s likely did not exemplify all these values. I think the Bill Gates of 2021 is someone who exemplifies these values through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This foundation provides funding and resources to developing countries and communities with the goal of promoting healthy, productive lives (MacDowell, 2019). The foundation as of 2019 had given grants up to 54.8 billion USD (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 2021). The foundation funds work in 135 different countries. The foundation has seeks to eradicate four diseases through immunization campaigns, they sought unique initiatives to solve issues such as alternative and affordable toilet solutions, climate change solutions through breakthrough energy ventures and many other initiatives that have changes peoples lives. Since COIV-19 Bill Gates stepped down from Microsofts board to focus solely on philanthropy.




Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2021). Foundation Fact Sheet. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/Who-We-Are/General-Information/Foundation-Factsheet

MacDowell, B. (2019). Microsofts Shift in Ethical Leadership. https://sites.psu.edu/academy/2019/10/20/microsofts-shift-in-ethical-leadership/

Western Governors University (2020). What is ethical leadership? https://www.wgu.edu/blog/what-is-ethical-leadership2001.html#:~:text=Ethical%20leadership%20is%20defined%20as,who%20will%20promote%20and%20be



Ethics is business is one of the building blocks to ensure that from the top down everyone is on the same page, while allowing for true transparency while making business decisions. Strong ethical leaders and not tempted by making the profit at all cost, or not being open to ideas  from some that looks different, and most importantly is honest.  A powerhouse corporate leader Tim Erblich  who has served as President of NYSE Governance Services, 20 years at Thomson Legal & Regulatory, and now Chief Executive Officer of the Ethisphere Institute (Timothy Erblich, 2021). Tim helped with an ethical dilemma for a company to find out if there was a direct relation to financial performance and the employment of individuals with disabilities.  Thru Tim work he found that only 34% of disabled citizens were actually employed and that thru inclusion the companys revenue over a four-year period would actually increase by a full 24%Weinstein, 2019).  This has led Tim to defining and advancing ethical business practices across the globe with his company Ethisphere and make business more accessible and ethical for individuals despite their backgrounds.   


Weinstein, B. (2019, October 23). Seven bold Leaders reveal how Ethical leadership is a boon to business. Retrieved March 10, 2021, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/bruceweinstein/2019/10/14/seven-bold-leaders-reveal-how-ethical-leadership-is-a-boon-to-business/?sh=73244116454c

Timothy Erblich – ETHISPHERE Institute: Good. Smart. BUSINESS. Profit.. (2021, January 08). Retrieved March 10, 2021, from https://ethisphere.com/about/our-team/timothy-erblich/#:~:text=Timothy%20Erblich%20is%20the%20Chief,standards%20of%20ethical%20business%20practices.