
1.)Discuss the Peloponnesian War.  Who were the two sides, and what was the war fought over?  Who won, and how did the war end?  What was the overall historical significance of the war?
2.)Discuss the life of Jesus of Nazareth.  Who was he, where did he live, and what did he do?  What is historically significant about him?  (Remember this should be a discussion of the historical impact of this individual and not a commentary about individual religious beliefs).
3.)Discuss the circumstances under which the Roman emperor Constantine converted to Christianity.  Why did he make the conversion, and what was the larger significance for his conversion for Romans?  What was the larger significance of his conversion to Christians and Christianity?
4.)Discuss the development of the Greek city-state of Sparta.  Where did it develop, and what type of government did it have?  What type of problems did the city-state face, and what is the historical significance of this city-state?
5.)Discuss the structure of the government of the Roman republic.  How was the government of Roman republic government structured?  What problems did the government of the Roman republic have that led up to the outbreak of the Roman Civil War?  How did the structure and function of the government of the Roman republic change once the Civil War was over?
6.)Discuss the development of the Greek city-state of Athens.  Where did it develop, and what type of government did it have?  What type of problems did the city-state face, and what is the historical significance of this city-state?