Capstone Paper and Draft of Chapter 1

Capstone Paper and Draft of Chapter 1Regardless of what type of capstone project you choose to produce you must submit an associated paper. For this assignment you are required to develop and submit a draft of the first chapter of your capstone paper Chapter 1: Introduction.This should be a draft only. Later in the course you will finalize this particular chapter as part of your work in Module 6.Organize your draft according to the outline below. In at least one solid paragraph for each subheading prepare the following using these headings:Introduction to the Chapter:Reveal your topic state the gap in knowledge creative process or problem etc. that you are researching investigating or showcasing and tell the reader what to expect.Background of the Topic:Relate only to societal business or artistic factors–NO personal factors. Cited literature should be included.Problem Statement:Identify the gap in knowledge creative aspect or problem. Ask the major question you are going to answer through your capstone project. Ask the sub questions you are going to use to answer the major question.( Optimum sub questions: 3-4) The data from these sub questions will be used to answer the major question.Professional Significance of Your Work:Respond to the internal question: Why did I bother to produce this particular project? Be specific.Overview of Methodology:How do you expect to proceed in order to answer your sub questions? These sub questions answer the major question for you.Note: If you are thinking about using surveys or questionnaires check first with your mentor. Only 10% return is typical and the time it takes to devise such instruments combined with the amount of time it will take to received them back and analyze the results might not give you enough time to complete your project by the end of the semester.Delimitations:What are the boundaries of your project?Definition of Terms:Consider your audience; the readers may not know what you mean by the terms you use. They may be technical terms or ordinary words used in a specialized way. Do not use dictionary definitions. These terms are particular to your project. Explain them accordingly in bullet format.Summary:All the chapters in your paper including your introduction must have a concluding paragraph that serves as a summary. Do not add any new ideas or information to the summary.College and semester: TESC June 2015Course code: LIB-495-GS001Course name: Liberal Arts CapstoneDraft of Chapter 1- Research ProjectIntroduction to the Chapter: Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery. Its victims are forced or convinced into labor or sexual exploitation. human trafficking effects mainly women and children. Human traffickers use many ways to trap their victims and Thousands of people a year are trafficked across national borders. Even more are trafficked inside their own country.Background of the Topic: Human trafficking can effect everyone but it mostlyeffects women and children. Many victims are no longer just runaways or children withoutfamilies. A lot of the children trafficked are from what most people would consider “good”families and are lured away from their homes by smart and clever predators. Every year sixhundred thousand to eight hundred thousand people are trafficked all around the world. This doesnot count the millions of people trafficked inside their own countries. in America alone wellover one hundred thousand children and young women are trafficked every single year. Theyrange from nine years old to nineteen years and the average age of being trafficked in elevenyears old.Problem Statement: Due to the underground nature of trafficking the number of victims isunknown. In 2011 Victims of Human Trafficking asked the U.S. Department of Health andHuman Services (HHS) to certify that adults and children (in severe trafficking cases) werevictims of human trafficking before these adults and children could receive certain federallyfunded or federally administered benefits and services.Since 2001 HHS has issued 1 076 certifications to victims or their representatives in 20 states the District of Columbia Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. In 2006 certified victims came from more than 40 countries spanning the Americas Africa Asia Europe and the Pacific Islands. The majority of victims originated in Latin America (62 percent) with the largest numbers coming from El Salvador (28 percent) and Mexico (20 percent); 97 percent of these victims were female. Between 2001 and 2005 the United States investigated 555 human trafficking suspects and by 2005 78 cases had been terminated with 75 convictions.According to U.S. Department of State reports slave traders prey on vulnerable woman and children who are often forced into prostitution. Traffickers gain their trust through coercion and trickery. “Very often these ruses involve promises of marriage employment educational opportunities or a better life.”Professional SignificanceSex trafficking to the United States is estimated to bring 50 000 women and girls to our shores each year mainly for prostitution. The authors cite a case of Mexican women trafficked to Florida to work they thought as maids or waitresses. This topic real lying touches home because I have a daughter and don’t know what I would do if something like this happened to her.“Upon arrival in the United States the traffickers raped the women and girls confiscated their travel documents and forced them to prostitute. Guards prevented them from leaving the brothels and if the victims tried to escape they faced severe physical punishment as well as threats of deportation.” I currently work in law enforcement and see and speak to so many women not knowing if this could’ve happened to them.Overview of Methodology: I expect to proceed in order to answer my sub questions byMy major question here is not if human trafficking is the same thing as slavery but rather howdo you identify a trafficking victim? My sub questions here will be where does the “hell” that wename human trafficking start? Does it begin with a “broken home” or to a person “who has beenhanded everything?” Are treatment facilities and jails effective? And finally what is needed toescape human trafficking? I will conduct this research project by utilizing the “Qualitativeresearch design.” Qualitative research may be the approach usually linked to the socialconstructivist paradigm that emphasizes the actual socially built nature associated with reality.It’s about documenting analyzing and trying to uncover the actual deeper which means andimportance of human being behavior as well as experience such as contradictory values behaviors as well as emotions (Shuttleworth). Researchers have an interest in attaining a wealthyand complex knowledge of people’s experience and never in acquiring information which maybe generalized in order to other bigger groups. Using the qualitative research designaccommodates your purpose because I can create a theory or locate a pattern associated with themeaning based on the data that I will collect. This requires me to move from the specific to thegeneral and it is sometimes known as a “bottom-up strategy.DelimitationsThe purpose of this research paper is to demonstrate the impact that Human Trafficking has on the United States. The result of the trafficking and the cost at which will go through to traffic others. This paper will also demonstrate the amount of effort that the United States Government has put in trying to stop or eliminate Human Trafficking.Definitions:Trafficking- deal or trade in something illegal.Human Trafficking- the illegal movement of people typically for the purposes of forcedlabor or commercial sexual exploitation.Drug Trafficking- is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation manufacture distributionand sale of substances which are subject to drug and prohibition laws.Summary:As of 2014 President Obama has doubled the number of Border Patrol agents andtoday border security is stronger than it has ever been. The President’s actions havegiven law enforcement the tools they need to make our communities safer from crime.Also by enhancing the infrastructure it has strengthened the ability to remove criminalsand stop threats to national security. New harsher penalties have been created in orderto combat human trafficking. A lot of grants have been offered to border communities on bothsides in order to prevent and combat trafficking.I need help with this assignment the work is done just need some help please