Career Planning Report

1. Assess where you are: To figure out where you’re going, you must first look at where you’ve been. Please reflect on your attributes and achievements to date. (5 marks)

2. Articulate your goal: What does it look like? Formulating a career goal requires thinking about your interests, skills, and education and learning about different careers and employment trends. Please describe your ideal job and how this job follows the employment trends we mentioned in previous seminars. (5 marks)

3. Make a plan: Review a number of Linkedin pages and identify three “good” Linkedin profiles that provide information (i.e., skill, education, experience) related to your goal. Then, based on these Linkedin profiles, please identify the specific steps and strategies you need to take in order to achieve your goal.(10 marks)

4. Identify 3 skills that you want to further develop and how they may improve your employment outcomes. In identifying the skills refer to the document THE FUTURE OF WORK:HOW CAN WE ADAPT TO SURVIVE AND THRIVE? available in Week 5 materials on iLearn. (10 marks)

5. Describe your job interview strategies for the future career you have identified.(5 marks)

. (Word limit 3000 words)