Case Study #1: Can Retailers Win Back Shoppers Who Browse then Buy Online?

Case Study #1: Can Retailers Win Back Shoppers Who Browse then Buy Online?

Please read the case study:

After reading please answer the following questions:

  1. Why is showrooming a problem?  Should Benjys address the showroomer behavior or ignore it?  How should they address it?
  2. What could Benjys do to convert more of these showroomers to a purchase?
  3.  What else can Benjy’s do to “level the playing ground” between them and online retailers who have lower costs than traditional brick-and-mortar retailers?  Specifically, how can Benjy’s increase margins without increasing price to the consumer?

 Attach your answer in a Word document answer should be no longer than one page and upload it to this dropbox.

Grading guide:

  • Following required format (Word document no more than one page) – 10 points
  • Clearly addressing each of the 3 questions – 10 points each
  • Style (professional looking document) – 10 points