Case Study #1 (MarShawn DeMur) Please review the case study under the link below and provide an overview of the case as well as your opinion regarding whether or not discrimination and/or harassment o

Case Study #1 (MarShawn DeMur)

Please review the case study under the link below and provide an overview of the case as well as your opinion regarding whether or not discrimination and/or harassment occurred in the workplace and why. You will also need to answer the questions that are listed at the end of the case study.  Your document should be approximately 2 – 4 pages in length, single spaced, and in 12 point font. Please do not forget to have an appropriate heading on your paper.

Case of Religious Discrimination

Case Study Checklist:1. Summary of Case and Comprehension:a. Am I providing a clear, well-rounded summary of the case scenario in which the instructor will have enough information to understand the main points of the case without having to read the entire case?2. Critical Thinking: a. Am I diving deeper into the issues presented in the case and answering questions in a format that displays my knowledge of the subject matter?b. Am I able to defend my position and thoughts regarding the case and questions with evidence?c. Am I answering all of the questions presented in the case?3. Demonstrating Content Knowledge:a. Am I utilizing the terms and concepts learned in the course to answer the case questions and provide thoughts in a thorough and professional manner?4. Following Instructions:a. Am I following the instructor’s requirements regarding writing assignments? (single space, 12 point font, heading including: date, student name, instructor name, and course number)b. Am I utilizing the proper APA format style for citations and references when needed?c. Am I using my own thoughts and words to express my thoughts and opinions in completing the assignment?5. Utilizing Professional Writing Skills:a. Am I using proper sentence and paragraph structure?b. Am I using proper grammar? No run on sentences? Not shifting tenses? c. Do I have any spelling errors?