Case Study

Section One: Case Studies

Complete and comment on Case Study 8.2. “An Exploration in Leadership.” In your case study analysis, you will need to set forth and answer all questions following the case study.

Complete and comment on Case Study 8.3. “Her Vision of a Model Research Center.” In your case study analysis, you will need to set forth and answer all questions following the case study.

Section Two: Assessment Instruments

Complete the Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaire on p 133. For this assessment instrument, you will need to briefly discuss the instrument, your score, and your reaction to it, which should comprise 1-3 paragraphs.

Complete the LMX 7 Questionnaire on p 155. For this assessment instrument, you will need to briefly discuss the instrument, your score, and your reaction to it, which should comprise 1-3 paragraphs.

Section Three: Reflection on Weekly activities

Consider the weekly readings, videos and discussion by commenting on the following question:

How can the principles of Path Goal leadership, Leader Member Exchange theory and Transformational Leadership make you a better leader? A more effective team member? Have you seen these principles in your professional life to this point? Explain fully.

Three to five paragraphs here should be sufficient. You should incorporate materials from the readings and at least two required videos as you answer this question. You may write in the first person where appropriate.