Case study ( 300 words)


1. Pathgoal leadership is about how leaders can help followers reach their goals. Generally, what are the

goals for the students in each of the different orchestras? What obstacles do they face? In what way does

Martina help them address obstacles and reach their goals?

2. Based on the principles of expectancy theory described in the chapter, why is Martina effective with the

elementary and middle school orchestras? Why do both of these groups seem motivated to play for her?

In what ways did she change her leadership style for the middle schoolers?

3. Martinas competencies as a musician do not seem to help her with the students who are becoming

disinterested in orchestra. Why? Using ideas from expectancy theory, what would you advise her to do to

improve her leadership with the high school orchestra?

4. Achievement-oriented leadership is one of the possible behaviors of pathgoal leadership. For which of

the three orchestras do you think this style would be most effective? Discuss.