APA , Nursing

Provide a basic description of the community you surveyed for your windshield survey. Answer the following based on your windshield survey: What is the role of community/public health nursing and community partnerships as they apply to your surveyed community? What is the influence of social determinants of health, such as culture and access to resources, … Read more

APA , Nursing

Research three rural populations in Illinois What was most surprising to you about the demographics and determinants of health in your selected location? Why was it surprising? What additional indicators, besides poverty level and education, might you suggest be added to further identify vulnerable populations? Note: Please have at least 3 references.

APA , Nursing

Explore the World Health Organization’s Global Health Observatory data. Thoughtfully consider the following questions: How does the work of the World Health Organization impact local communities in the United States? How could it impact your local community? Respond to 250 words

Nursing, APA

A group of nursing students wanted to learn more about the health behaviors of adolescents in their community. They decided to have students at the local high school complete a questionnaire about their health behaviors. After the adolescents completed the questionnaire, the nursing students reviewed the responses and tallied the results. They discovered that over … Read more

APA , Nursing

“Cholera Transmission” Consider the following questions: What epidemiological tools and processes are currently in use that originated from John Snow’s work? What advancements have been made? As digital epidemiology becomes more prevalent, what are some of the ethical considerations of using big data in public health surveillance? How did this discovery of bacteria transmission in water … Read more