History Scavenge

QUESTIONS Pick one topic from this week’s MEDíA Write your interpretation of how the information was presented Search for related materials online Write a summary Explain your understanding of the topic and your find Do your findings sync? READ THRU and comment on other students’ posts Respond to comments in your thread Click THUMBS UP … Read more

Discussion 10

Read the following pages in Towards A New Architecture: (199-224)  and resp’ond to one (1) of the following prompts (A, B) in 100 – 150 words. WRI’TING PROMPTS:  Architecture III. Pure Creation of the Mind: A: In this section, Le Corbusier refers to the Axis of Organization. Discuss to what degree this axis affects the designed … Read more

BB Project

HCCS Central College / Interior Design Program INDS 1311 Fundamentals of Interior Design       INDS 1311 Fundamentals of Interior Design FALL 2022–   Final ProjectBEDROOM/BATHROOM PROJECT – PART 1   Focus: Developing Design Concepts Format: Digital – PowerPoint Instructions:   Develop and Prepare (3) Written Design Concepts for a Master Bedroom Suite – … Read more

Interior Design Graphic Presentation 11″ X 17″

You are now ready to enlarge your graphic ideas on the larger printed format of 11″ x 17″ (also know as tabloid size) and create a layout for an interior design profession document or presentation. PLEASE NOTE: This is exercise is primarily about the GRAPHIC Layout of the presentation, the interior design is secondary to what … Read more


150 words Would you use mailed questionnaires, telephone surveys, personal interviews, or a web-based survey? Why? Write 2 closed and 2 open-ended questions that you could include in the survey What specific diversity considerations might be important when selecting survey participants for this research?

Cap 1

        HCM 491 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Begin working on your capstone project. In a post to the course discussion topic, provide the agency or institution profile and background (i.e., type of organization, historical information, information about growth, current or past initiatives, etc.). Identify the need or opportunity within the organization … Read more

Speech Presentation

Informative Speech presentation   Youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StPSgqwCnVk&t=318s&ab_channel=CommStudies   Topic : Mount Everest   6slides Attention getter : do you wonder the highest mountain in the world? Creditibility Audience relevance Thesis statement Transition Conclusion   MLA Style 4-5 citation needed        

Image Assignment

You will research and prepare a presentation about image.  Your research / presentation should provide the following information / answers: What is raster image? List two (2) common types of raster image. What is a vector image? List two (2) common types of vector image. Create a table listing pros and cons comparing raster vs. … Read more