
  Based on the façade photo and cross section drawing of a timber-frame hall here, please answer the following questions. (15points) – Question #1: Label the location of these parts on the façade picture: 1), four main parts of the building composition, 2) three major types of bracket-sets. – Question #2: By observing both images, … Read more


FIRST, go to the “Media Gallery” and view the following four poems (you’ll need to scroll to nearly the end of the list or search for them by title in the gallery search box): 1. “Can We Autocorrect Humanity?”; 2. “Touchscreen”; 3. “Look Up”; and 4. “Why I Hate Social Media” plus the following song: 5. “Scare Away the Dark” by Passenger and 6. a show clip … Read more


IDES 310 – Notes from Janet: Rome This week we visit the Roman Empire: Architecture, Art, and Furnishings. The videos I’ve selected will overlap here and there, reinforcing the information from your reading. We begin with a short video regarding the Etruscans who borrowed from the Egyptians and Greeks. This gives a basic foundation to … Read more


You can start at 6 minutes 33 seconds and end at 50 minutes 44 seconds. After watching the video please email me with the following information: 1. What designs mentioned in the lecture did you find most surprising or interesting? What surprised or interested you? 2. What designed objects / interiors / building / graphics … Read more

History Scavenge

QUESTIONS Pick one topic from this week’s LECTURES Write your interpretation of how your professor presented the information Search for related materials online – you may also reference content from the BONUS video this week Write a summary Explain your understanding of the topic and your find Do your findings sync with your professor’s storytelling? … Read more