
Week 3 Discussion Previous Next  Discussion Before working on this discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right,” the expanded grading rubric for the assignment, and any specific instructions for this week’s topic. This week addresses many topics, from continuously distributed variables to statistical sampling plans and confidence interval construction. The questions that follow … Read more


You are required to prepare a brief SEC 10-K PowerPoint Presentation Draft and post it to Peer Review of SEC 10K Project: Post Your Draft. You are required to provide feedback to a classmate on his/her SEC 10-K PowerPoint Presentation Draft. Please read the feedback that other students have written about your own draft and … Read more


Discussion 1: What will happen in terms of jobs losses and career skills as some of the emerging technologies become intelligent Discussion 2: Biblical discussion There are many references to being thankful in the Bible.  For some it is about God’s provisions for us.  In others it is for our blessings. And yet in others … Read more


Listen to this podcast about the market for human organs. Initial Response: Is there currently a surplus or shortage of human organs available for transplant? Using the demand/supply framework, explain how legalizing the trade for human organs will help move the market towards an equilibrium https://www.npr.org/2008/05/21/90632108/should-we-legalize-the-market-for-human-organs


Discuss the elements of strategic management and explain why it is crucial to an organization’s survival. Excluding the examples from the textbook, give an example of a company that failed as a result of poor strategic management. Explain the difference between a strategy and a business model. Please discuss in 200-250 words.


Prompt: What is the best interview question and/or the most inappropriate question you have ever been asked? Why do you feel that way and how did you respond? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply


Understanding of probability is key in making business decisions. The following questions begin to test your understanding of the different forms of probability and the data on which probabilistic decision making is based. Select any one of the following starter bullet point sections. Review the important themes within the sub questions of each bullet point. The sub questions … Read more


There are real problems in businesses and our lives. Review Jan McGonigal’s plan (located in Documents and Resources) to have us learn how to play games to save the world.  Even if your have never thought of the value of gaming before, come up with some specific process improvements, games or ways to help improve … Read more