
Intro Micro                              Your Name(s):__________________________________________ Professor Kane                                                                                                                                                             Problem Set 3 For graphs, it is often best to use Excel or draw your graph and attach the picture Total 19 points.   (4 points) Production Possibility Frontiers: apples and wheat Table 1. Production of apples and wheat Apples Wheat 0            500 1            499 2 … Read more


One of the main benefits of taking an introductory economics course is gaining the literacy to stay more plugged into policy debates. The following links are to blogs, investigative news sites, and podcasts run by economists. Use your newfound economic literacy to check them all out and select a post/article/podcast of interest from each link … Read more


Discussion 175words more each question   1.(Article 2. 6) Baker argues that trade agreements have protected U.S. doctors and  pharmaceutical companies from international competition. Why do you think  this has been the case, when other kinds of workers and industries have borne  the full brunt of global competition:  Would policies to reduce the prices charged  … Read more


Discussion 175words more       1.(Article 6. 1) Chen and Isikara argue that capitalism is systematically unable to  address the great challenge of climate change. What do they propose as a broad  means of addressing this looming disaster?   (Article 6. 6) Two possible explanations for disparities in environmental condi- tions along lines of … Read more


Discussion 175 words more each question 1.(Article 1. 1) The authors point to in the various key ideas that promi- nent economists (like Gregory Mankiw) consider to be important in economic  theorizing. Of the assumptions they list, which ones seem most reasonable and  unreasonable to you? Which objections do you think succeed and which do … Read more


                                                                                                                                                              Problem Set 4 For graphs, it is often best to use Excel or draw your graph and attach the picture   Total 17 points.   (5 points) Labor markets and wage determination Table 1. Chocolate chip cookie output and number of workers. Cookies sell for $2.50 each. Ingredients (butter, eggs, flour, nuts, sugar, … Read more