Week 3 Discussion

Coach knows that picking the right players to work together can  transform a football or racing team into champions. Finding the right  players for your OWN team can help you reach success! However,  how do you go about finding and selecting these crucial players, and how  do you decide what roles they should play? This … Read more

Week 3 Discussion

You have now completed the charter for your office relocation project.  The project sponsor wants to expand the scope of the project, but you  are hesitant to do so per the constraints in place. One reason the  sponsor is looking to expand the scope is because of a financial  incentive for him. Discuss why increasing … Read more

Week 3 Discussion

Please respond to the following: Describe at least two elements of a business model that would provide your company with a competitive advantage over other businesses in your industry. Research a company of your choice and identify the following: The company’s name. The competitive advantage of the company. How the competitive advantage has helped the company … Read more