In order to illustrate Cultural Dimension concepts you will watch the film OUTSOURCED (2006). In the Midterm Exam, you will be asked to refer to details from the film and show how they display specif

In order to illustrate Cultural Dimension concepts you will watch the film OUTSOURCED (2006).  In the Midterm Exam, you will be asked to refer to details from the film and show how they display specific cultural dimensions of India and the U.S.   OUTSOURCED is about an American man whose job has been moved (or “outsourced”) … Read more

Stephen Johnsons “the Sleeper Curve” Watching TV Makes You Smarter – The New York Times ( After reading about Stephen Johnson’s idea of “the Sleeper Curve,” please answer the following que

Stephen Johnsons “the Sleeper Curve” Watching TV Makes You Smarter – The New York Times ( After reading about Stephen Johnson’s idea of “the Sleeper Curve,” please answer the following questions in 2-3 paragraphs:1.) Do you accept or reject Johnson’s Sleeper Curve argument that certain TV programs are intellectually demanding and are actually making us smarter? 2.) … Read more

Madonna For this paper, you are asked to conduct preliminary research into the “art” created by “the artist” you profiled in your first paper. You must focus your attention on a single artifact, the a

Madonna For this paper, you are asked to conduct preliminary research into the “art” created by “the artist” you profiled in your first paper. You must focus your attention on a single artifact, the artifact you plan to analyze in your third paper. You must select one film / book / recording (song or album) … Read more

Read the case study below. Identify all of the stakeholders that got involved in the Washington Football Team’s decision to ultimately change their mascot and name. For each stakeholder, discuss how m

Read the case study below. Identify all of the stakeholders that got involved in the Washington Football Team’s decision to ultimately change their mascot and name. For each stakeholder, discuss how much the stakeholder possesses power, legitimacy, and urgency. Please do this from the perspective of the football team not how you felt about them. Think of it … Read more

Read the book”Talking to Strangers” By Malcolm Gladwell In this book summary, you have the obligation to show the perspective of the book, along with your personal take as it supports the point of t

Read the book”Talking to Strangers” By Malcolm Gladwell In this book summary, you have the obligation to show the perspective of the book, along with your personal take as it supports the point of the author.  I could, for example, disagree with the writer, and if I do, I need to explain why along with … Read more