Presentation Requirements: 150 points possible.Due by February 16.6-10 Minutes LongAt least 4 outside sources (beyond the book and in addition to online sources provided) required. Textbook and resou

Presentation Requirements: 150 points possible. Due by February 16. 6-10 Minutes Long At least 4 outside sources (beyond the book and in addition to online sources provided) required.  Textbook and resources provided on Canvas DO NOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR 4 REQUIRED SOURCES Sources must be cited throughout the presentation For speech delivery, can use Note … Read more

Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one) media-specific concept (not a theory/an account of things that makes use of particular concepts) from Chapters 1 to 3 of th

Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one) media-specific concept (not a theory/an account of things that makes use of particular concepts) from Chapters 1 to 3 of the course textbook. Your submission needs to be written in standard essay form (no point form, use paragraphs, structure should be: thesis; development/body; … Read more

Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one) media-specific concept (not a theory/an account of things that makes use of particular concepts) from Chapters 1 to 3 of th

Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one) media-specific concept (not a theory/an account of things that makes use of particular concepts) from Chapters 1 to 3 of the course textbook. Your submission needs to be written in standard essay form (no point form, use paragraphs, structure should be: thesis; development/body; … Read more

For this assignment, you are being asked to read one book from the following 4 options: 1.- How to think like a Roman Emperor. By Donald J. Robertson 2.- Atomic Habits. By James Clear 3.- Outliers. By

For this assignment, you are being asked to read one book from the following 4 options: 1.- How to think like a Roman Emperor. By Donald J. Robertson 2.- Atomic Habits. By James Clear 3.- Outliers. By Malcolm Gladwell 4.- Talking to Strangers. By Malcolm Gladwell In this book summary, you have the obligation to … Read more

· It should be 3 to 3 ½ pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, following APA format for a paper (NO headers or footers). · It should include a list of sources cited in APA format. ·

·      It should be 3 to 3 ½ pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, following APA format for a paper (NO headers or footers). ·      It should include a list of sources cited in APA format.  ·      This paper is worth 50 point of your final grade.  Choose a news story from any reputable English language newspaper, … Read more

For Week 4, please complete the following: Read pages 50-67 of Chapter 2Respond to “Concepts & Questions” 4-6 on textbook page 67.Answers should be in the form of complete sentences with proper g

For Week 4, please complete the following:  Read pages 50-67 of Chapter 2 Respond to “Concepts & Questions” 4-6 on textbook page 67. Answers should be in the form of complete sentences with proper grammar.

253 – Critical Writing Assignment Worth: 15%, submit assignment ONLY through the course’s online Learning Management System. Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one

253 – Critical Writing Assignment Worth: 15%, submit assignment ONLY through the course’s online Learning Management System. Critical Writing Assignment: Write a 300-400 word analysis of one (only one) media-specific concept (not a theory/an account of things that makes use of particular concepts) from Chapters 1 to 3 of the course textbook. Your submission needs … Read more

Prompt: In a 2-3 (max) paper, write a description and analysis of your first recalled awareness of cultural differences.( keep in mind I am a young 22 year old black woman born in the bronx, new york

Prompt: In a 2-3 (max) paper, write a description and analysis of your first recalled awareness of cultural differences.( keep in mind I am a young 22 year old black woman born in the bronx, new york who grew up with a big black family) What is your culture?  What are some of its characteristics and … Read more