Criminal Law

Using FindLaw’s State Criminal Law webpage, explain the law in your home state regarding the crime of murder and the law and differences between assault and battery. What helps to elevate a crime to an aggravated offense? Do you agree with penalties and punishment being enhanced? Why or why not? Florida Criminal Laws – FindLaw

Criminal Law

A controversial issue today in the American legal system is the justification of the use of force by police officers, given the actions and conduct of citizens. In this assignment, you will explore the requirements for use of force, constitutional rights pursuant to the Bill of Rights when it comes to free speech, and criminal … Read more

Criminal Law

Week 4 Assignment – Criminal Law, Criminal Culpability, and Criminal Liability Overview According to the text, criminal law is aimed at the misbehavior that falls below society’s norms and values. The burden of enforcing criminal law and maintaining public order and public safety falls to local, state, and even the federal government; all help to … Read more

Criminal Law

Week 7 – Signature Assignment: Critique Unethical Behavior Assignment   Top of Form   Bottom of Form For this Signature Assignment, you will identify a criminal justice professional or organization that engaged in unethical actions. Then, you will write a paper detailing those actions and any penalties imposed. Be sure your paper addresses the following: … Read more