Criminal Professionalism

Prostitution is sometimes referred to as the worlds oldest profession. Do you think prostitution should remain illegal or should it be legalized? If you believe it should be legal, explain why? If not, why not? Do you know of any locations in the U.S. where prostitution is legal? What do you know about other countries … Read more

Criminal Professionalism

On July 15, 2017, Justine Damond (née Ruszczyk) was fatally shot by a Minneapolis Police Officer. Research and outline the details of the case. What is your opinion on the outcome of the case? Do you think racism played a part in this case? If yes, why and if no, why not?

Criminal Professionalism

Answer the following questions: What are the major functions of the four agencies of the Department of Justice that are described in this chapter? (FBI, ATF, DEA and Federal Marshalls) What functions do the CIA and the IRS perform? What are the primary differences between federal and state law enforcement agencies? What is the name … Read more

Criminal Professionalism

What are your thoughts on the Mexican/U.S. border situation? What is your view on the difference between the policies President Trump had and what the Biden administration has in place. Between the Trump and Biden policies, which do you think we should have and why? Should the U.S. complete the border wall that began under … Read more

Criminal Professionalism

Answer the following questions with a narrative response: How does the doctrine of qualified immunity apply to police officers? What was decided in the Supreme Court case of Pearson v. Callahan (2009) What are some of the elements of a policy concerning vehicle pursuits? What is meant by duty of care and failure to protect? … Read more