Discussion Board Replies

I need two replies to this discussion board on either agreeing or disagreeing. 150 words for each reply, the original discussion is attached.   Hello class, To outline my position on if the Drips’ model would work in the real world, I must first outline my positions on the exclusionary rule and restorative justice.  The Exclusionary … Read more

Discussion Board Replies

I need two replies to this discussion board on either agreeing or disagreeing. 150 words for each reply, the original discussion is attached.   Amanda Baird Jun 26, 2023Jun 26 at 2:55pmManage Discussion Entry Criminal Procedure and Scripture The scriptures have profoundly influenced my understanding of criminal procedures and the foundational principles of our modern … Read more

Discussion Board Replies

I need two replies to this discussion board on either agreeing or disagreeing. 150 words for each reply the original discussion is attached In this week’s discussion, Case Study 3 was the choice for this week. What was the purpose of the study? The purpose of this study, was to look at the emergency response … Read more