Discussion Question

offer additional suggestions. Be sure they are informed by social psychology theory and research. -____________________________________________________________________________ Before coming to Walden I completed an MBA program that was online. Every class in my two year program required group projects. Many times there were social loafers. The final class of my program was a capstone project that required … Read more

Discussion Question

explain whether or not you found your colleague’s response persuasive and why. Support your explanation with social psychology theory and research. __________________________________________________________________________________ It is said that many important decisions are made by groups rather than one person; supreme court justices are nine and not one (Aronson, 2019). An individual is subject to their own biases … Read more

Discussion Question

Informed by social psychology theory and research, explain how your colleague’s analysis might differ if applied cross-culturally. _____________________________________________________________________________ I do believe there has been a shift when it comes to rules of attraction changing for women as a function of their economic independence. Looking back over the readings there was once a time that women … Read more

Discussion Question

Respond to at least one of your colleagues in the following way: If you were Brenda, how might you have solicited help from one of the many bystanders? Your explanation must be informed by social psychology theory and research. _________________________________________________________________________________- n the scenario provided about Brenda who was walking home, with music blasting in her … Read more

Discussion Question

  Brenda was completing a 1-year internship in Baltimore. Luckily, she found an apartment not far from school. To get     some exercise, acquaint herself with her new surroundings, and listen to her music, she walked to and from school     every day. The 2-mile route took her past Johns Hopkins University, an extremely busy campus teeming with … Read more

Discussion Question

whether or not the rules of attraction change for women as a function of their economic independence. Explain whether or not the rules of attraction are biological imperatives or cultural constructions, or both. Please use social psychology theory to refute claims based on evolutionary theory.