
Review the Charles Whitman case in the appropriate resources. If Charles Whitman had faced prosecution, how would you, as a forensic psychology professional expert witness for either the prosecution or the defense, have assessed his personality? What are the risk/protective factors in his background that might relate to the mass shooting he committed? If you … Read more


1. What are the biggest problems facing the criminal justice system in the area of computer crime? 2. How can the criminal justice system and law enforcement prepare for the future of cybercrime? 250 words per question with two scholarly references.


Explain how the different personalities you have studied manifest in intimate partner violence. Explain possible counterintuitive behaviors that victims might display. Provide examples that illustrate your rationales. Explain how victim responses potentially create a dilemma for those in the criminal justice system and how a forensic psychology professional should react.


Compare and contrast disagreement and conflict. Provide an example of each from your own life. Explain when groups are most likely to experience groupthink. 325 words APA citations and references are required for quotes and/or paraphrased ideas. Please remember that I am looking for you to cite material from the textbook in your initial post, each … Read more


Explain how the different personalities you have studied manifest in intimate partner violence. Explain possible counterintuitive behaviors that victims might display. Provide examples that illustrate your rationales. Explain how victim responses potentially create a dilemma for those in the criminal justice system and how a forensic psychology professional should react.


1. Discuss and explain the inherent conflicts associated with police as intelligence gatherers. 2. Explain the Wiretap Statute and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Find and cite a case in which a person(s) is charged with abuse of either the Wiretap Statute or the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Please give your opinion on whether you … Read more


Craig was raised without a father, but his mother, Donna, a strong Christian lady, always loved her son. Because she was a single parent, Craig was often left with babysitters while she worked two jobs or was involved in her prison ministry. When the sitter could not be there on some days, Donna’s neighbor Steve, … Read more


Less than or equal to 300 words Considering the three frames of references: classical, positivistic, and theories of the behavior of criminal law. What assumptions do each of these theories make about human nature? To what kind of criminal justice policies do each of the theories point? As a policy maker, how would you make … Read more