Emergency Planning And Responding To Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Answer each question with a paragraph please add work cited and resources no plagiarism.       Review the examples of Hazard or Threat Specific Annexes in the Unit 6 readings and resources.  Based on your planning community, identify at least two hazard or threat specific annexes that you would include in your plan.  Discuss … Read more


Book Review: After Virtue Assignment Instructions Overview In order to master an academic field, you must carefully read and engage with the most important books in that field. The book review is a common academic exercise, and virtually every major newspaper, magazine, and academic journal has a book review section. A good book review fairly … Read more


Based on the history of various war crimes and other atrocities, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of an international court that prosecutes crimes on an international scale. Should crimes rising to the level of a war crime be prosecuted by courts in the nation-state most impacted by the crime? 500 WORDS