Sociology helps us better understand the world, society and social institutions, and people around us. As a future allied health professional, a background knowledge in sociology can help you understa

Sociology helps us better understand the world, society and social institutions, and people around us. As a future allied health professional, a background knowledge in sociology can help you understand patient/client needs and connect with them. For this discussion, conduct your own research on the relationship between sociology and health/healthcare or watch one of the … Read more

The term “human relations” covers all types of interactions among people – their conflicts, cooperative efforts, and group relationships. It is the study of why our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors s

The term “human relations” covers all types of interactions among people – their conflicts, cooperative efforts, and group relationships. It is the study of why our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors sometimes cause relationship problems in our personal lives and in work-related situations. The study of human relations emphasized the analysis of human behavior, prevention strategies, … Read more

Please keep everything in the parts …This is what i wrote about my major is health care administration healthcare access disparities in underserved communities, (topic) On the other hand, healthcare

Please keep everything in the parts …This is what i wrote about my major is health care administration healthcare access disparities in underserved communities, (topic) On the other hand, healthcare access disparities in underserved communities are relevant to the degree to which healthcare administration highlights the barriers to healthcare and how to address them. By focusing on … Read more

Case 1 You are examining a 5-week-old infant and hear a systolic murmur at the lower left sternal border. You suspect a ventricular septal defect. The parents are concerned and have several questions

Case 1  You are examining a 5-week-old infant and hear a systolic murmur at the lower left sternal border. You suspect a ventricular septal defect. The parents are concerned and have several questions.  Answer the following questions based on this scenario.  What is the cause of a ventricular septal defect? What problems will our baby … Read more Week 3 – Discussion F Week 3 – Discussion ForumNo unread replies.No replies. Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum … Read more,an%20external%20site.,a5b69qs30wvlcai,bj9h3x44g0bjslu,i50qp6tzovqkkyu,3sn7gg78wklvz3c/shared Biological Science Theories[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please read the Biological Basis of Determinants of HealthLinks to an external site. article. In this assignment you are being asked to focus on biological determinants. While not nearly as common as social determinants, biological determinants can … Read more

Read The article on Neurological Disorders website: Then choose one neurological disorder from the website and address the f

Read The article on Neurological Disorders website: Then choose one neurological disorder from the website and address the following: 1. What causes this disease/disorder? 2. What are the symptoms/warning signs? 3. How common is this disease/disorder? 4. What is the treatment for the disease/ disorder? Make sure you are putting this in your own … Read more

Your presentations should include slides (10-15 slides) containing the following items: IntroductionDefinition of your chosen CommunityWindshield SurveyCommunity Assessment Data GenerationCommunity P

Your presentations should include slides (10-15 slides) containing the following items:  Introduction Definition of your chosen Community Windshield Survey Community Assessment Data Generation Community Partners and Resources Community Health Diagnosis Community Health Plan Interventions of Community Health Plan Evaluation of Community Health Plan, both formal and informally Conclusion/Summary References

Collaborate with community members, community liaisons, and/or members of health care team regarding your project. Utilize this template to guide a short interview with your liaison. Relate how they w

Collaborate with community members, community liaisons, and/or members of health care team regarding your project. Utilize this template to guide a short interview with your liaison. Relate how they will be helpful in implementing your project. Steps: Access template below and use it to complete this assignment. Review the questions listed. Conduct a brief interview … Read more

Public health nurses plan appropriate interventions based on the needs of communities. This involves partnering with stakeholders to determine and achieve public health goals. Please complete the foll

Public health nurses plan appropriate interventions based on the needs of communities. This involves partnering with stakeholders to determine and achieve public health goals. Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response: In your week 3 community assessment, you identified some community needs. Pick one of those that is NOT the topic … Read more