
1 Intersectionality Activity Guide: Broadening the focus of feminism. Explain how specific populations of women challenged white, middle class feminists to address Intersectionality (the ways in which a person’s multiple identities interconnect to impact a person’s experience as well as how institutions and systems influence power and privilege based upon multiple identities). Use the Week … Read more


The first 10 amendments to the United States of America constitution are called the Bill of Rights. It was supposed to guarantee civil rights and liberties for everyone. Using the information presented in this class and the historical knowledge of the Black Community and other marginalized groups, how would you rewrite the Bill of Rights? … Read more


Brains, property, and character for the Negro will settle the question of civil rights.. Good school teachers and plenty of money to pay them will be more potent [etfective) in settling the race question than many civil rights bills and investigating committees. -Booker T. Washington, “The Educational Outlook in the South.” 1884


The first 10 amendments to the United States of America constitution are called the Bill of Rights. It was supposed to guarantee civil rights and liberties for everyone. Using the information presented in this class and the historical knowledge of the Black Community and other marginalized groups, how would you rewrite the Bill of Rights? … Read more


The Revenge of Nature had lasting impacts on the societies of the 14th and 15th centuries.  Examine these impacts on society and how it can be compared to the impact of nature during the time of COVID 19. Three pages in length.  3 supporting outside sources. APA format


In a paragraph of three or four sentences, identify and explain the historical significance for British Columbia of SIX of the following twelve items. 1. Michael Harcourt 2. Pacific Great Eastern Railway 3. Hastings Mill 4. George Vancouver 5. Union Steamship Company 6. Amor de Cosmos 7. Frank Calder 8. Helena Gutteridge 9. One Big … Read more


  HIST 214 — CRITICAL ESSAY GUIDELINES — DUE MONDAY, MAY 9. 2022   {1}  This is a critical essay, not a research paper requiring additional materials.  The Essay is DUE ON MONDAY, 5/9, in class.  (The due dates associated with the essay are found on the syllabus.)  Before that date you also must complete … Read more


Question 1 : William F. Buckley Jr. defined  conservatives as people who stand “athwart history, yelling Stop, at a  time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with  those who so urge it.” Detail the ideological differences between modern  liberalism and conservatism. How and why did conservatism become the … Read more


Essay format Chicago. Need it after 31 hours   For Part Two of your Final Exam, watch “Vietnam” (Media Rich Communications, in America in the 20th Century, 10), and “The Sixties in America.”   Links: https://video-alexanderstreet-com.ezproxy.library.astate.edu/watch/the-sixties?context=channel:america-in-the-20th-century   https://video-alexanderstreet-com.ezproxy.library.astate.edu/watch/vietnam?context=channel:america-in-the-20th-century   For each topic (Vietnam, and the Counter-Culture Revolution of the 1960s) discuss how these events and movements … Read more


Creating Historical Newspaper American History Date:  Due date is May 9, 2022 Performance Task: Creating newspaper on your favorite chapter or section covered this semester in American History. You will be conducting research, analyzing data, demonstrating learning competences, and critical thinking skills. Task: Create a newspaper on your favorite chapter or section(s) Find a copy … Read more