
  Lựa chọn hệ thống lọc nước đầu nguồn của Ecomax như thế nào? Như mọi người cũng đã biết, không phải mọi nguồn nước hiện nay được các hộ gia đình dùng đều là nguồn nước sạch. Chính cho nên hệ thống lọc nước đầu nguồn được xem là giải pháp tối ưu và … Read more

English Cesar Chavez

*Cesar Chavez was a prolific community organizer and a champion of social change. He used ten core values to guide his life. Using one or more of these core values with which you most identify, please discuss how you have contributed to equity and social justice at UC San Diego. How will you apply Cesar’s … Read more

Planning project

   Week Eight Individual Project Deliverable – Create Project Presentation Congratulations on the work you have done with your course project. You will now prepare a status report/presentation for the project sponsor. Assume you have completed the project and the project deliverable has been completed.You will incorporate the project assignments from previous weeks into a … Read more

nursing, health topic

Post an explanation for how you think the cost-benefit analysis in terms of legislators being reelected affected efforts to repeal/replace the ACA. Then, explain how analyses of the voters views may affect decisions by legislative leaders in recommending or positioning national policies (e.g., Congress’ decisions impacting Medicare or Medicaid). Remember, the number one job of a … Read more


  locate and review the practice agreements in the state in which you plan to practice, identify potential collaboration requirements in your state, and understand the certification and licensing process that you will need to follow. The state is Texas

I need help

I need help  Murakami Haruki 村上春樹, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage (Shikisai o motanai Tazaki Tsukuru to, kare no junrei no toshi 色彩を持たない多崎つくると、彼 の巡礼の年, 2013), Chapters 11–19 (152–314)  

Unit 8.2 DB: Course Reflection

 Reflect on the course and share your answers to the following questions: What was the most interesting or useful thing you learned during the course? What suggestions can you offer that might improve the quality of the course? If you could give one piece of advice to incoming students about this course, what would that … Read more


Complete a workshop outline for staff that promotes knowledge of culturally responsive practices that support family engagement. The objectives of your workshop include explaining: Benefits of family engagement for families Culturally responsive communication and collaboration skills that support family engagement Culturally responsive practices/strategies that can be implemented in early childhood settings to promote meaningful family … Read more

Leadership styles Discussion board unit 2

  Most people have witnessed both positive and negative leadership styles. Discuss 2 different styles of leadership that you have witnessed: 1 negative and 1 positive. Answer the following questions: How did you respond to each style, and why? In your opinion, why was one style of leadership better than the other?