Benjamin Ch 3: Coded exposure OR Ch. 4: Tech benevolence Choose to write about something of interest in either of these two chapters. How are these related to some of the discussions about ethics we have had earlier? Which ethical framework do you see represented in Benjamin’s arguments?

health topic

Consider a population health topic that rises to the presidential agenda level. Which social determinant most affects this health issue? How did two recent presidents handle the problem? What would you do differently?

History -8B

 What were the social, cultural, religious, and economic characteristics of the Maurya Empire in India?  What was the most significant impact of the Emperor Asoka on Mauryan culture and society? 

Construction -8 Dis

  Choose a GUI program that you are familiar with. Discuss the features of the program from what you learn in chapter 9 that makes this program a very good GUI program in your own opinion.

ph -8

  Question #1. Review the interactive titled “Science and The Fracking Boom: Missing Answers” located at  https://www.npr.org/2012/04/05/150055142/science-and-the-fracking-boom-missing-answersLinks to an external site. Describe the benefits and drawbacks of natural gas production. Note: Be sure to include a discussion of issues related to waste products, extraction of the resource, land use, projected reserves, impacts on the environment, and … Read more

Guiding Questions

As you think about your Annotated Bibliography and its potential use in a Literature Review that supports your future Applied Improvement Project (AIP), address the following prompts. For your initial post: State your problem of practice or organizational problem for which the annotated bibliography is relevant. Provide a synthesis of the main points identified in your … Read more

Part 5 music

   Once you have listened to the musical selection, you are to write approx. two paragraphs and describe the music. In the first paragraph, describe what you hear…the instruments, meter, timbre, dynamics, form…etc…Use previous musical terminology that you have learned. In the second paragraph tell me if you like or dislike the piece…why? Does it … Read more

Part 4 music

   Please listen to the above selection and write two paragraphs. In the first paragraph describe all the things that you hear. Instruments, voices, etc….Describe the timbre, dynamics, rhythm, etc… Write what YOU hear. This will vary for each person. In the second paragraph relate the piece to anything you may have heard before. What … Read more