Using Tools to Communicate

What tool do you feel is the most effective means of reaching the widest audience?  Provide a rationale for your answer. If you do not feel you would lean toward one single most of communication, tell us why. In your opinion, has technology improved the way that we communicate with stakeholders?  Why or why not? … Read more

Discussion Post Help

 Research the key leaders in the company you have chosen for your final project. Common leaders to consider researching include the CEO, President, Vice President, CFO, and any board members. Based on what you find in your research, do you feel the company leaders are generally more transactional or transformational leaders? Why? Given the current … Read more

menh phuong hoang

<p style=”text-align: center;”><em>&ldquo;Ta chẳng qua chỉ lấy trộm một hạt tr&acirc;n ch&acirc;u của n&agrave;ng, c&ograve;n n&agrave;ng lại lấy trộm cả tr&aacute;i tim ta.&rdquo;</em></p> <p><span></span></p> <p><span>Trong cuộc đời của Tang Tử, ngo&agrave;i Hạ Hầu Tử Kh&acirc;m ra c&ograve;n c&oacute; h&igrave;nh b&oacute;ng của <a href=””><strong>T&ocirc; Mộ H&agrave;n</strong></a>. Đ&acirc;y c&oacute; lẽ l&agrave; nh&acirc;n vật đ&atilde; lấy đi rất … Read more


Major Project – Simon Baker- Baker Business Solutions Incorporated (BBSI)  Simon Baker was a very inquisitive child growing up. He was a great student in school and always asked a lot of questions. While growing up he was a typical American guy and enjoyed soccer and golf. But once Simon was given a computer for … Read more


     JSM Manufacturing is a small, local company that manufactures personal protective equipment, such as surgical masks, gowns, and face shields. The company relies on a network of suppliers of raw materials, transportation providers, and for other required products and services. These vendors receive purchase orders from JSM for materials and services, and typically ship … Read more


     JSM Manufacturing is a small, local company that manufactures personal protective equipment, such as surgical masks, gowns, and face shields. The company relies on a network of suppliers of raw materials, transportation providers, and for other required products and services. These vendors receive purchase orders from JSM for materials and services, and typically ship … Read more

Week 6 Discussion Response

Discussion Question 2 Prompt “What do we learn about Iago and his plans through his soliloquies in Shakespeare’s Othello? How does the descriptive language he uses effect our understanding of Iago and his motivations?” Answer In Lago’s soliloquy, the audience learns his true intent in manipulating Desdemona. He is planning on using her kind and … Read more

Week 8 Discussion

Week 8: Global Health & Course Reflection Section 1: This section can be put into table format. Using the U.S. as a high-income country, chose an upper or lower middle and low-income country for the table in the content section.  Identify the leading causes of death and illness     Identify infant mortality rates Identify the life … Read more

Experiential Reflection

The purpose of this activity is to engage in a volunteer experience with a safety net project or community program. The historical roots of the nursing profession originate from the work of Florence Nightingale in giving service to those populations with increased risk or susceptibility to poor health outcomes. This experiential learning activity will provide … Read more